Query Parameters

Let’s say we have defined a messages resource.

resource messages
  text string indexed
  createdAt datetime required

There are default query parameters that can be used on resources.


To paginate over a list of documents use the page and limit query parameters.

curl http://localhost:8080/messages?page=2&limit=5

This will retrieve 5 documents on the second page of results.

Note: If you only pass the page query parameter, limit will be set to 10 by default.


To filter results, we can pass the filter query parameter, which can take different comparison methods.

<, >, =, !=, <=, >=, ~%25, ~_

To retrieve all documents where the text field equals hello.

curl http://localhost:8080/messages?filter=text=hello


Sometimes we may only need certain fields in our result data. To achieve this, we can pass the fields query parameter, which will only return the specified fields.

curl http://localhost:8080/messages?page=2&limit=5&fields=text

This will retrieve 5 documents on the second page of results, and only return the text field as JSON in the body.

Note: If multiple fields are provided, retrieved items will have their fields appear the in the same order.


To sort a list of results, use the order query parameter. The order query parameter takes a field name, followed by a colon, then can either take asc or desc.

curl http://localhost:8080/messages?order=text:asc

This will sort the result list by the text field in ascending order.

Note: If you can pass multiple arguments by comma seperating them.


To return the total number of documents of a resource, use the count path parameter on the resource end-point.

curl http://localhost:8080/messages/count

This will return the total number of documents of the specified resource.