

To run Energize, you’ll need Java 1.8 and SBT v0.13.13+. To check that you have the latest JDK, you can run:

$ java -version

To check that you have the latest version of SBT, you can run:

$ sbt sbt-version

Clone and run with SBT

The fastest way to get started is to clone the repository and run Energize with SBT.

$ git clone git://
$ cd energize
$ sbt

Once the SBT prompt appears you can then use the following commands:

  • test builds and executes tests
  • re-start <config> starts the server where config is the name of the .energize file that defines your API.
  • re-stop stops the server.

Note: You can press ENTER once the server has started to get the SBT prompt in order to enter more SBT commands while the server is running.