The TypeScript API is documented first here followed by a few notes on the Scala.js API which is very similar.

The OQL Class

These are the methods of the OQL class, which are the main methods that you will be using. Brackets around a parameter signify an optional parameter.

count(query, [parameters])

Returns a promise for the number of objects where query is the query string written in the OQL query language. If parameters is given, each parameter is referenced in the query as :name where name is the name of the parameter.

For example

oql.count('product [price < :max]', {max: 100.00})

gets the number of products that are less than $100.


Returns a Mutation instance for OQL class instance that it was called on. See The Mutation Class for a method reference.


Returns a QueryBuilder instance for OQL class instance that it was called on. See The QueryBuilder Class for a method reference.

queryOne(query, [parameters])

Returns a promise for zero or one object where query is the query string written in the OQL query language. If parameters is given, each parameter is referenced in the query as :name where name is the name of the parameter.

For example

oql.queryOne('user {id name email} [id < :id]', {id: 12345})

gets the id, name, and email for user with id 12345.

queryMany(query, [parameters])

Returns a promise for an array of objects where query is the query string written in the OQL query language. If parameters is given, each parameter is referenced in the query as :name where name is the name of the parameter.

For example

oql.queryMany('product {id name price supplier.name} [price < :max]', {max: 100.00})

gets the id, name, price and supplier.name for products that are less than $100.

raw(sql, [values])

Perform the raw SQL query and return a promise for the results where sql is the query string and values are query parameter values.

The QueryBuilder Class

QueryBuilder is used to build up a query step by step. QueryBuilder instances are immutable so each method that returns a QueryBuilder object is returning a new instance.


Blocks the next method call in a chain of QueryBuilder calls if the condition expression exp is falsy.


Returns a promise for the number of objects that could be retrieved with this query builder.


Returns a promise for an array of object specified by this query builder.


Returns a promise for zero or one object specified by this query builder.


Returns a new query builder with a query limit of a.


Returns a new query builder with a query offset of a.

order(attribute, sorting)

Returns a new query builder with a query ordering on attribute with sorting direction.

project(entity, attributes)

Returns a new query builder to query entiry retrieving attributes. This method is a bit more efficient than using query() because it avoids parsing the query.

query(base_query, [parameters])

Returns a new query builder with the given base_query, which must be a well-formed OQL query.

select(selection, [parameters])

Returns a new query builder with the given selection. If a selection has been given, either using query() (with the selection within brackets) or using select(), then this selection will be logically AND’ed with the previous one. There or no need to add parentheses to ensure correct order of operations if the selection contains a logical OR, this is done internally.

The Mutation Class

These are methods that can be called on a resource object.


Returns a promise to delete object with primary key id.


Returns a promise for all objects of this resource.


Returns a promise to insert obj into this resource. The promise resolves to an object with the primary key of the inserted object.

link(e1, attribute, e2)

Returns a promise to link object e1 of this resource to object e2 of the type given for attribute.

unlink(e1, attribute, e2)

Returns a promise to unlink object e1 of this resource to object e2 of the type given for attribute.

update(e, updates)

Returns a promise to update object e of this resource according to updates.


Returns a promise to apply updates to the table where updates is an array of tuples (arrays with two elements). The first element of each tuple is an id or object containing an id, and the second is an object specifying the updated fields.